Sixes Game Request Forms Now Available

By: Peter Debrone, OLA Sixes Lead

We are excited to announce that clubs now have access to the online form to request Sixes games. Additionally, we are now accepting applications for hosting Sixes tournaments, providing a fantastic opportunity to bring the excitement of this new format to your community!

Please note that team declarations have now closed. Here are the initial team numbers for the 2024 season:

  • U9: 42 teams

  • U9 Girls: 2 teams

  • U11: 29 teams

  • U11 Girls: 6 teams

  • U13: 21 teams

  • U13 Girls: 9 teams

  • U15 Girls: 3 teams

  • U17 Girls: 5 teams

Total: 117 teams

To view all declared teams, visit

We look forward to a thrilling Sixes season and appreciate your support in growing the game across Ontario!


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